Weight loss myths have plagued overweight and obese people for many years. Weight gain has always been attributed to an imbalance between food intake and exercise. A common myth that was perpetuated for many years was the "no pain, no gain" mindset. The premise was, if you were not at least a little uncomfortable because of painful muscle strain you did not exercise hard enough, and, if you were not feeling hungry then you ate too much.
The growing number of people who are afflicted with expanding buttocks and waistlines has stimulated scientific interest in finding more effective ways to counteract obesity. Scientific studies over the last decade have discovered the benefits of consistent moderate and gentle exercise. The more intense aerobic exercise is not necessarily the only way to achieve your weight loss goals.
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Genetics, habits, mental health and pre-natal events can increase an individual's predisposition to weight gain. The side effects of some medications is weight gain and it becomes a choice between which condition a person needs to get treated first. In some cases weight gain can be preferable, in the short term, to the more serious condition being treated. Obesity is a serious health problem that can not be ignored and increasing daily activity and exercise will help to minimize your weight gain.
More emphasis is being placed on prevention and implementing simple strategies into daily routines. Health programs at school start young children thinking about the foods they eat and the impact food has on their bodies. Most school programs have implemented mandatory physical education programs that teach childrren a variety of fun ways to have exercise and physical activity as part of their day.
Moderate exercise can improve your overall health. Increasing activity levels and switching to good eating habits promotes healthy weight loss and management. Learning about prevention strategies promotes healthier habits as the next generation matures.
Fast foods, fast cars and a hectic "rat race" lifestyle has contributed to a more sedentary way of life that is detrimental to human health overall. Consumers are blinded by an instant gratification mindset that bombards us everyday in the advertisements we see on TV, newspapers and magazines. Consumers are overwhelmed by a myriad of reasons to indulge every whim. Products are promoted to appeal to having our every want and need taken care of with the least amount of effort expended on our part. Instant gratification has become the norm whether we are talking about eating, exercise or shopping.
The realization of the health risks associated with excessive weight gain is often the stimulus that prompts people to turn to a healthier lifestyle. Overweight and obese people face serious health risks that can be decreased just by losing weight. Developing good eating and exercise habits used to be considered an exercise in will power. Another myth shattered by recent research into why people gain weight and what it takes to lose weight. Will power implies that you are doing something that you really don't want to do, but you do it anyway, to reach a goal.
Making a conscious choice to follow better health practices eliminates the stress of using will power to deny yourself the things that you really want. When you really want better health and make the decision to do what you need to do to achieve it, you don't need will power. Lifestyle changes rarely happen overnight and there will be many adjustments to the way you think about your daily activity and food intake. A healthier lifestyle is not hard, just different.
Obesity increases the risk of death in many diseases and conditions. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are more prevalent in people who are over weight or obese. The impact on health and wellness for the overall population has created a huge weight loss industry as a large segment of society looks for easy ways to slim down. Weight loss products, programs and gimmicks seem to show up in the market everyday. It is a mistake to believe all weight loss programs are effective. Scientifically developed products backed by research and trials are the best products to try.
It is a buyer beware market and some are downright unsafe methods. Miracle pills or drinks really don't exist. Still, new products are hitting the market everyday with claims to help you lose weight. Using good judgement and common sense when purchasing products is not always enough to determine whether or not a specific product is right for you. Doing a bit of research or consulting your physician can save you a lot of heartache.
Using dietary and meal supplements can help in your weight loss efforts. A balanced your lifestyle strategy that incorporates healthy diet, exercise and healthy supplements will help in your weight loss management. Lifestyle changes to lose weight include diet choices, eating habits and regular exercise promotes a healthy weight loss.
Science is developing new products that can make the process of losing weight easier. Don't just accept claims at face value. Check the science behind the product or strategy that you are considering. It is a good practice to check with your physician when you are starting any weight loss program.
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