There are a number of diet plans available online for losing weight but the question is how effective they are? Do all are good enough to give a try? How you will separate a good diet from thousands of fake diet plans? These are some of the common questions that come in your mind when looking for an effective and trustworthy diet for weight loss.
You need some clarification on the advertisements that promise you will lose pounds quickly and effortlessly. We are seeing so many 'get slim quick' promotions everywhere that we seem to get brain-washed. Though many of these are genuine and credible; some are false and misleading. Many false diet claims are increasing in statistics.
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Health and fitness experts recommend that you should ignore the hype and make lifestyle changes instead. Rapid weight loss is the sign of a poorly designed diet. When you are losing weight rapidly, you are losing muscle and protein.
You can lose 5-6 pounds that are primarily water. That rapid weight loss diminishes after the first week. If you are eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, lean meat and poultry, your weight loss should taper to a pound or two a week. At that rate it will take about six months to lose 30 pounds, which isn't exciting enough to advertise but could mean a permanent and healthier weight loss. Experts recommend and healthier weight loss.
Health experts recommend the following criteria to determine whether to use a diet product or program-
o You should ask about the success rate of the plan; if the information is not available, you should not go on that diet.
o You must avoid a diet regimen that promises you will never go hungry and you will always be full. That is not a valid diet promise.
o You should not follow a diet that prohibits certain food groups. That is a shortsighted way to eat. You may gorge on those forbidden foods later.
Hope, I have discussed some useful points that will help you in choosing the best diet plan for achieving your weight loss goal.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
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