Obesity is a serious and progressive disease with other potentially serious ailments attached to it. When someone opts for weight loss surgery it is because it can help put a stop to this incapacitating and constant disease that can seriously shorten a life span. Most medical specialists agree that the minimum requirement for weight loss or bariatric surgery is such that the patient should be at least 100 pounds above the ideal body weight with a BMI of 40 or more, which is considered obese. Weight loss surgery for the obese is calls for the person's strong commitment to the positive outcome of the surgery. A patient should be emotionally and psychologically ready, inspired to keep to the diet requirements, and committed to sticking to the exercise and medical requirements after the surgery is completed.
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Why is there weight loss surgery for the obese? Morbid obesity is such a complicated and intricate set of conditions that can turn into a series of many health problems. So some doctors consider the risk of dying early from this disease more risky than the potential complications of the actual surgery itself. Every surgery has different degrees of risk, and weight loss surgery does have its risks including reaction to anesthesia, for example. Speak with your doctor or medical professional about the potential risks and what can be done, if anything, to minimize the risks.
According to some statistics, there can be one death for every 200 patients operated on. The reason that this happens is that weight loss surgery for the obese can present constant heart and lung trouble and complications with the spleen. There can be a good chance there is some setback to the surgery that can mean health related ailments like infections, blood clots and so on. The good news is that these problems can be treated, but the doctor needs to be constantly checking on the patient's progress after the surgery. The reason is that problems like hernias can develop months after the surgery is completed.
Proper nutrition is necessary as the diet will be severely restricted, so the doctor will be checking on the patient's nutrition and want to avoid any potential medical problems as a result of insufficient nutrition. It is very important that the patient accompany the weight loss with medically supervised exercise and supplements. Exercise gives weight loss a jump start and helps kick up metabolism and stabilizes moods. One more thing: weight loss surgery for the obese means that it is the beginning of a life long change in eating habits and exercise as well as commitment to good health. It isn't always easy to make the adjustment, but the rewards are great: good health and a longer life.
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