There are many types of weight loss surgeries, and the most common one is the gastric bypass surgery. Traditional methods of losing weight are unsuccessful for many people, so those who are extremely overweight are turning to weight loss surgery for help. However, you have to remember that weight loss surgery is a major surgery, and serious after-operation complications can occur.
So how do we determine if a person is suitable for weight loss surgery? In general, potential candidates should meet the following:
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1) at least 18 years old, although there were a few instances where patients were younger.
2) a body mass index (BMI) of more than 40 for men, and a BMI of more than 35 for women.
3) history of associated health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart-related issues.
4) history of unsuccessful attempts with other weight loss methods, such as exercise, diet control, etc.
The advantages of weight loss surgery
1) You can lose up to 70% of your weight and most patients can keep the excess weight off for as long as 16 years.
2) Weight loss surgery can help those who are in serious health conditions, and it can potentially save your life.
3) You will feel more confident and happier with yourself and with life in general.
4) You can do the many things that you have been wanting to do but unable to because of your weight.
5) There will be a significant change in your overall health.
The disadvantages of weight loss surgery
1) Possible complications such as bleeding, leaks and infection around the surgical wound.
2) Other medication complications.
3) The price doesn't come cheap. Depending on the nature of the operation, you will need several to tens of thousands of dollars.
Your decision to lose weight needs to be accompanied with implementation. Losing weight is a big step towards your goal to get
healthy. In fact, many obese people do not realise how unhealthy they are. They take things for granted until it is too late. If you decide to go ahead with a weight-loss surgery, talk to a qualified surgeon who will be able to answer your questions. He/she should also discuss the related risks and benefits with you.
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