Very often we put on extra pounds without even realizing it until the moment when we try to fit into our favorite last year's clothes. At that point we finally realize that we need to lose weight.
For as much as you want to lose all your extra weight right away, try to set realistic goals to ensure you will get there in time.
First of all determine how much weight you would like to lose. Check some weight loss tables to find out the ideal weight for your height, age and sex. If you just gained weight recently you probably know what your ideal weight is so try to aim for it.
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Do not get captivated by quick weight loss schemes. You will lose your time, money and even if you succeed to lose weight it will come back on quickly.
Set a realistic weight loss goal of 1-3 pounds per week and calculate how many weeks it will take to achieve your ideal weight.
If you want to lose 20 pounds, for example, allocate 10 weeks to this process. Set some milestones to measure your achievements. For example, every two weeks you should weigh 4 pounds less. Make sure you reach the projected weight by the milestone date.
Decide on the program you will follow. Read attentively the requirements and prepare a daily schedule for yourself that includes all the important activities underlined in the program. It is better to spend couple of days on preparations than to give up the program in the middle because you don't have time to prepare daily plans.
Document all your weight related activities in a weight loss diary so you will know what to pay attention to.
With this system in place you will surely succeed in your weight loss goal.
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