There are a lot of weight loss myths and here are some of them:
Weight Loss Myth #1: Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and make you lose weight.
Fact: No foods can really burn fat. Who ever heard of you eating a lot of those and you're losing weight? Who eats and loses weight to be exact? I think the reason why they say that eating these foods will make you lose weight is because of the fact that these foods are high in fibre and water levels. If you eat foods that have a lot of liquid in it (citrus fruits), it'll help make your appetite smaller because of all the liquid you're putting in your body. Maybe that is why they are saying that it makes you lose weight but it certainly don't burn fat.
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Weight Loss Myth #2: "I can lose weight while eating whatever I want."
Fact: It's a yes and no. You can lose weight while eating whatever you want but that would mean that you must be exercising a lot for you to burn all the energy that you just took in your body. Remember, the excess energy your body don't need would be stored as glycogen in your liver and if they are not used further, they will then be converted to fats and you wouldn't want more fats in your body right? It's a no because if you eat whatever you want and don't exercise, then instead of you supposedly 'losing' weight, you're gaining them in large amounts - depending on what you choose to eat.
Weight Loss Myth #3: Low-fat or non-fat means no calories.
Fact: That is not true. Just because it says low-fat or non-fat does not mean it has no calories. Fat is not the only one that has calories or provides energy, because protein and carbohydrates does that too. "Remember, the excess energy your body don't need would be stored as glycogen in your liver and if they are not used further, they will then be converted to fats" and this is also true for carbohydrates and proteins. Hence, when its nutritional claims are "low-fat" or "non-fat" it just means that it's fat level is lesser than normal ones.
Weight Loss Myth #4: Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight.
Fact: No it's not a good way to lose weight. Skipping meals is equivalent to starving yourself. When you starve yourself, you'll end up feeling hungrier by the time you really eat something. Which means that by the time you eat something, you'll tend to eat more than you really should which also means you'll probably end up gaining more than losing weight.
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